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144 Comprehensive Autism Research Paper Topics That Will Help You

July 28, 2021

Do you need autism research paper topics that will impress your educator to award you high grades? If yes, this article lists the best 140-plus ideas to consider for your papers and essays.

autism research paper topics

Simple Autism Topics for Research Paper 

Perhaps, you want to write a paper about an easy topic. In that case, select the idea to work with from this category. Any of these topics can be a brilliant idea for an autism paper. Nevertheless, take your time to investigate it extensively, gather, and analyze data to develop a winning piece.

  1. Investigating the autism spectrum disorder’s prevalence
  2. Autism Diagnostic interview
  3. What are the primary causes of autism?
  4. Reasons for the increasing autism cases in children
  5. Effective learning and teaching methods for autistic children
  6. Mainstream education and autism
  7. Are there advantages of being autistic?
  8. What are the disadvantages of being autistic?
  9. Why are some individuals autistic while others are not
  10. Explain why some individuals have a good recall or memory skills
  11. What should people know about autism?
  12. Who are the top five most known autistic individuals in human history?
  13. How healthcare workers assist autistic persons in their daily lives
  14. What are humans yet to discover about autism?
  15. Discuss autism stories that people have shared on social media
  16. Describe the employment opportunities and limitations for autistic individuals
  17. Describe a treatment that can reduce autistic individuals’ disadvantages
  18. What is the primary cause of autism?
  19. What role does music play in the life of an autistic person?
  20. Explain autism diagnosis during the early stages
  21. Describe the educational programs for autistic persons
  22. What’s the average overview of an autistic person?
  23. Explain ways of improving autistic people’s interactions
  24. Explain an autistic individual’s behavior towards his family members?
  25. How the chemical brain of an autistic person differs from that of a non-autistic individual
  26. What are the most prominent research breakthroughs in autism?
  27. Why autistic persons struggle to socialize with others
  28. What normal individuals should learn from the brains of autistic persons
  29. Describe the characteristics of autistic persons
  30. Tips for training autistic persons when providing care
  31. Things caregivers should know about autism to do an excellent job
  32. How family members should behave towards autistic individuals

Autism Biology Topics Research Paper Ideas

Students can also write autism biology papers and score top grades. If interested in autism biology, here is a list of topics to consider for your research paper. Any of these topics can be the basis of a debate because people have varying views towards them. You need sufficient and reliable information to support your argument.

  1. Is there sufficient evidence proving that environmental triggers are responsible for the rising autism cases?
  2. Why is western society reporting higher autism prevalence?
  3. Do literature and art help in raising awareness about autism?
  4. Reviewing films whose basis is an autism spectrum disorder
  5. How the media portrays autism and its effects
  6. Prominent public figures that lived with autism for years
  7. The impact of maternal age on autism
  8. Asperger’s syndrome and autism- An explorative study
  9. Analyzing the genome’s dark regions and their effect on autism mutation
  10. Gene expression control and its impact on autism mutation
  11. The connection between genetic variants and autism
  12. Obesity and autism- Is there a correlation?
  13. How a subtle genetic modification can affect an autistic person
  14. Autism and fragile x syndrome
  15. How brain homes affect autism
  16. Autism and vasopressin- What’s the link?
  17. Brain signature similarities with autism
  18. Investigating the unusual sensory response in an autistic person
  19. The effects of the cerebellum on an autistic person’s social behavior
  20. Anybody that loves biology will be interested in reading a paper on any of these ideas. However, make sure that your essay is on-point.
  21. Thought-Provoking Autism Controversial Issues to Write About
  22. Perhaps, you want to research and write about a thought-provoking topic about autism. In that case, consider one of these issues.
  23. Is autism a disorder or a difference?
  24. Timeline and history of autism
  25. Why are autism rates increasing dramatically?
  26. Things that scientists have disproven about autism causes
  27. Questionable and risky autism treatments
  28. The best autism treatments
  29. Should autistic children have a unique educational setting?
  30. Which are the best educational options for autistic children?
  31. Autistic children should have a unique home
  32. Autism and vaccinations- Is there any relations?
  33. Ways to raise autism awareness in society
  34. Changing the autistic children’s future through early interventions
  35. How educators can help children with autism
  36. Ways to help autistic children with uncooperative parents
  37. Can occupational therapy help autistic children?
  38. DSM-V and autism
  39. A comparison of autistic children’s and normal kids’ educational opportunities
  40. Ways health officials can convince their clients that vaccines don’t cause autism
  41. Should schools vaccinate children that haven’t received their shots because parents believe they cause autism?

Research Paper Topics Dealing with Autism and Education

Experts recommend teaching people and caregivers about autistic persons. Through training, educators, parents, and other people can know how to treat autistic persons. Here are good research paper topics on autism and education. These topics relate expert advice with parenting and the daily life of autistic individuals. But like the other ideas, they need thorough research to come up with impressive papers.

  1. Ways to solve autistic children’s daily problems
  2. Why is autism research necessary?
  3. Differences in education among autistic kids and normal children
  4. Different autism types
  5. Understanding the struggles of students suffering from autism
  6. What are the possible autism causes?
  7. Managing parenting challenges when you have an autistic child
  8. Ways to improve autistic children’s communication skills
  9. How to enhance autistic kids’ coping skills
  10. Addressing negative behaviors among autistic children
  11. Increasing autistic children’s play skills
  12. Ways to diagnose autism early in children
  13. Ways to increase autistic children’s independence
  14. Effects of autism in a single child on family members
  15. Improving self-help among autistic children
  16. How autism affects different developmental realms
  17. Learning in autistic kids
  18. Resources available for autistic people
  19. Effects of autism on the learning process
  20. Why do parents need training about autism?

Autism Research Analysis Paper Topics 

Perhaps, you want to autism research topics you can analyze extensively in your paper or essay. If so, consider these ideas for your project. You can analyze any of these research topics on autism in your paper with proper references to impress the educator and earn the top grade in your class.

  1. Qualities of an effective autism treatment plan
  2. Autism signs that every parent should know
  3. Reviewing autism in various regions
  4. Analyzing the probability of medical treatment causing autism
  5. Analysis of the effects of genetics on autism
  6. Investigating the impact of an autistic person on a standard individual
  7. Analysis of autism history
  8. Ways adult patients can manage autism
  9. Analyzing the employment opportunities for autistic people
  10. Exploring parental education benefits in managing autism in children
  11. Analyzing the variations in social implications depending on autistic spectrum disorder and gender
  12. Analysis of the support autistic people need at the workplace
  13. Examining the socio-cultural effects of autism on understanding and behavior
  14. Do autistic children need special schools?- A detailed analysis
  15. Investigating the contextual drives affecting autism understanding in society
  16. Analyzing the peer group role in autism
  17. Investigating the increasing autism prevalence in western society
  18. Post-traumatic stress disorder- Analyzing its impact on parents with autistic kids
  19. Exploring the cross-cultural experiences of autistic persons
  20. Analyzing the role technology can play in improving autistic people’s social skills

Autism Research Questions 

One of the best ways to develop good research topics is by asking questions about the subject you find interesting. For instance, you can brainstorm autism thesis topics by asking questions about this illness. Here are some of the queries you can ask about autism, which can form the basis of your paper.

  1. Which is the most accepted theory about autism spectrum disorder’s pathophysiology?
  2. How can caregivers improve service delivery when dealing with autistic persons?
  3. How can ordinary people understand sensory processing among autistic persons?
  4. How can companies encourage ordinary people to support autistic employees?
  5. How can employers implement person-centered intervention to support autistic employees?
  6. How can companies maximize the performance and potential of autistic people at the workplace?
  7. How can hospitals improve autism diagnostic procedures?
  8. How can hospitals ensure the appropriate diagnosis of autistic adults?
  9. How can family members and parents provide quality care for autistic kids?
  10. How can ordinary people support families and parents with autistic kids?
  11. What support is ideal for autistic children?
  12. Which environments are suitable for helping autistic persons achieve quality education and life skills?
  13. How can society help autistic persons get the most from life?
  14. Which interventions can enhance mental health in autistic persons?
  15. How can caregiver reduce mental health issues among autistic persons?
  16. How can caregivers adapt mental health interventions for autistic individuals?
  17. Which interventions work in developing language skills in autistic persons?
  18. How can society support social care for autistic adults?
  19. Which intervention work in reducing anxiety among autistic people?
  20. Is autism treatable?
  21. Who suffers more, an autistic child or their family?
  22. What facts do most people not know about autism?
  23. Which brain part does autism damage?
  24. Does autism escalate with age?
  25. Is autism the same as brain damage?
  26. How can you tell that your kid is not autistic?
  27. Can a person inherit autism?
  28. Does an autistic person have a higher risk of having an autistic child?
  29. Is autism a disability?
  30. How does level I differ from level II autism?
  31. Which questions does the doctor ask during an autism assessment?

Students have many autism spectrum disorder research topics and questions to consider as titles for their papers. However, learners should pick exciting topics to develop outstanding pieces. If you are unable to select a topic and write an essay, seek professional writing help online. Expert writers can help you with topic selection or even write a high-quality, custom paper for you.

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